Cell Biology

Cell Biology

2D v 3D Cell Culture The benefits of 3D cell culture over conventional 2D culture are widely accepted in the scientific community.

Enhanced Plasmid Production: Achieving a 21-Fold Increase in Plasmids
In this work, a plasmid production process was performed comparing conventional Erlenmeyer flasks with LB medium and the Thomson’s Ultra Yield® system. E. coli cells were cultivated in both systems in an orbital incubator shaker (Multitron, INFORS HT), bacterial growth was monitored, and the plasmids were purified at the end of cultivation. Subsequently, the quality of the isolated plasmids was analyzed by HPLC. The combination of the Ultra Yield® flasks with the enriched Plasmid+® medium and the AirOtop® enhanced seal led to higher cell densities and a 21-fold higher amount of plasmid than in Erlenmeyer shake flasks with LB medium.

Protocol for Bacterial Biofilm Visualization and Sample Preparation for Scanning Electron Microscopy
New User Protocol

Cultivation and Detachment of Adherent Cells in the µ-Slide VI 0.4
Removing adherently grown cells from a µ-Channel after cultivation

Optimizing Wound Healing and Cell Migration Assays
Experimental setup optimization of wound healing assays and cell migration assays

Data Analysis of Wound Healing and Cell Migration Assays
Methods for data analysis of wound healing assays and cell migration assays